Monday, June 25, 2007

What we have been doing!

Yesterday was an interesting day. PHR has to go out and find all the students that they are accepting into the school to make sure theyhave not lied on their entrance. sounds easy enough, but these kids often do not have a "home" or family. So they drive out to the location they are supposed to be at and start asking if anyone knows where they can find that child. If someone says they know them, the person will get in the car and lead us to the location they know of, then you get out and ask again, they may say they have moved or are out doing something right now. So you go track them down. After you find them you have them take you back to where they live and they talk with the family, relatives, neighbors, anyone who can help varify the story. Then if they are poor enough, and the story is true, they will get an exceptance letter there on the spot. So yesterday we go to ride only as they did this. Two of the teachers from the PHF where with us, they are local Tanzanians, so they speak both English and Swahili very well. We were out in a village, it was interesting and amazing to see where these people lived and what their life looked like. I think they were as interested in seeing us as we were in seeing them. TOday we are going to a school, and to a rubgy game tonight. I was not feeling too well last night, so hopefully it gets better today, nothing serious though! So don't worry mom! :-)

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